Monday, August 14, 2017

Cheap Batik fabric in BatikDlidir solo, Indonesia

Cheap Batik fabric is now found in a number of batik outlets and clothing stores in almost every region in Indonesia. Clothing that was only worn by the upper middle class at this time is already used by all circles. This is because batik was once very expensive, so, do not be surprised if only those who have a lot of money or from middle to upper class who can afford it.

But today many outlets, boutiques and fashion stores are selling batik with a very affordable price. Whether it is in the city of Solo, Pekalongan, Yogyakarta or in other cities. So for those of you who want to buy or get batik with a cheap price can buy it in outlets-booths in the store. If you visit Solo, you can stop by Klewer Market. There you will find a lot of quality batik, of course, at an affordable price.

Central Java's largest textile center has thousands of types and motifs of batik cloth that you can choose. In addition to the original motif Solo City, in the newly completed market was built there are also batik fabric from a number of other batik-producing regions. Such as from Pekalongan, Yogyakarta and also other areas. So, you no longer need to confuse-confused to come to these areas just to hunt cheap batik cloth. Instead, you just come to Klewer market and hunt batik as much.

Cheap Batik fabric for eksport to all around the world

In addition to Klewer Market, cheap batik can also be found at Pusat Grosir Solo (PGS). As the name suggests, in the center of fashion in Solo also offers various types of batik cloth with a fairly friendly price or friendly pockets. You just choose it, which batik cloth will you buy. There is another area that sells batik at cheap prices ie in the center of Solo batik especially if not Kampung Batik Laweyan. In this village you can get a kind of batik that is even hard to find in stores. This is why, because this village is a center for batik making.

Cheap batik fabric with the original handmade from Indonesian. With a starting price of US $ 2.30 / meter or US $ 1.99 / yard, you can get quality and handmade batik fabric. Indonesian batik fabric at a cheap price with quality ” wong solo “. Solo batik history can not be separated from the influence of the palace. Batik Solo began in the Kingdom Pajang more than four centuries ago. As is known, which is a continuation of the royal dynasty of the transfer rule of Demak Bintoro to Pajang ( Laweyan ).

How to get Cheap batik fabric?. We make it easy to buy a typical Indonesian batik fabric. Simply by contacting batik dlidir through whatsapp application +62 822 6565 2222. There you directly communicate with Mr. Mudzakir.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Baju batik kombinasi terlengkap di Batikdlidir

Baju batik kombinasi merupakan perpaduan motif batik dengan jenis kain lain. Perpaduan ini banyak dipilih oleh para desainer untuk menghadirkan rasa baru dalam berbusana, terutama batik. Terlebih, sekarang ini perkembangan mode begitu cepat, sehingga para desainer ditantang untuk menghadirkan karya baru yang tidak monoton. Perpaduan ini juga menjadi bahan eksperimen dari para desainer untuk melihat sisi lain dari busana yang sudah ada sejak zaman dahulu ini.

Baju batik kombinasi terlengkap di Batikdlidir

Batik-batik jenis ini sangat identik dengan jenis batik modern. Karena, jenis batik ini lebih terlihat fresh dan berjiwa muda. Tidak hanya kombinasi yang dihadirkannya, tetapi motif atau corak batik pun juga berbeda dengan corak atau motif tradisional. Sekarang ini motif yang dihadirkan lebih beragam atau bisa dikatakan lebih selaras dengan perkembangan mode yang ada.

Ada beberapa kombinasi yang bisa menjadi pilihan atau referensi anda untuk tampil lebih menarik dengan busana batik. Diantaranya kombinasi batik dengan kain polos. Jenis kombinasi ini banyak disukai karena terkesan sederhana tetapi sangat menarik saat digunakan. Perpaduan yang menarik bisa membuat busana dengan kombinasi ini terlihat begitu elegan. Kemudian ada juga kombinasi baju batik dengan kain brokat. Jenis bahan kain yang kaya akan dekoratif ini sangat cocok jika dipadukan bersama motif batik.

Jenis perpaduan untuk busana ini sepertinya paling banyak digemari oleh para perempuan. Karena, seorang perempuan akan tampak cantik dan mewah saat mengenakan baju dengan perpaduan dari dua bahan ini. Dengan begitu, saat tampil di depan umum seperti acara pesta busana ini jelas akan memberikan rasa percaya yang tinggi pada wanita. Mereka pun tampak sempurna.

Baju batik kombinasi tulis, cap dan print

Selain itu, baju batik juga bisa dikombinasikan dengan jenis kain lainnya seperti satin. Jenis kain yang biasa dijadikan sebagai bahan pembuatan gaun ini juga sangat cocok untuk dipadukan dengan batik. Karakter kain satin yang mengkilap akan menambah kemewahan pada baju batik kombinasi. Kombinasi ini tidak hanya khusus pada busana perempuan saja, tetapi busana untuk pria juga bisa menggunakan kombinasi ini.

Kami menyarankan menggunakan whatsapp untuk mempermudah dalam koordinasi. Baik gambar motif batik maupun pengiriman kelokasi Anda.

Batikdlidir menyediakan kain atau bahan batik yang nyaman. Dengan berbahan katun yang dingin saat dikenakan, sehingga bisa menunjang aktivitas Anda. Harga terbilang terjangkau, Yakni mulai Rp 20.000 permeter untuk prima, Rp 25.000 permeter untuk primissima. Harga tersebut menggunakan tehnik printing tradisional.

Untuk keperluan yang berbau etnik maupun modern juga ada ( Kain batik murah cap ). Kami banderol mulai Rp 24.000 permeter dan Rp 28.000 permeter. Proses pembuatan tersebut menggunakan tehnik cap atau stamp.

Terakhir menggunakan keistimewaan batik tulis asli. Kami bisa membuatkan sesuai pesanan Anda, baik motif, pola, patron maupun bahan yang digunakan. Kesemuanya sesuai pesanan Anda, walaupun ada ready stock batik tulis di Batikdlidir juga bisa. Sehingga Anda bisa leluasa dengan banyak pilihan. Ada di Jual kain batik tulis asli.

Untuk pemesanan kain batik bisa whatsapp ke 0822 6565 2222.

Baju batik pesta dengan motif tulis asli

Baju batik pesta merupakan salah satu jenis yang didesain khusus untuk menghadiri ke pesta. Bisa itu pesta pernikahan, pesta ulang tahun atau pesta-pesta lainnya. Sekarang ini, batik memang sedang menjadi tren untuk dijadikan untuk busana ke pesta. Banyak yang memilih pakaian jenis batik dengan berbagai pertimbangan. Mulai dari keunikan motif atau pola batik tersebut, kemudian kainnya, ada pula yang karena mencintai budaya Jawanya.

Baju batik pesta dengan motif tulis asli

Di samping itu, busana batik ini juga sangat fleksibel saat dikenakan. Dalam artian, jenis pakaian ini bisa disandingkan dengan jenis pakaian lain yang mungkin termasuk pakaian modern. Sehingga, perpaduan tersebut kadang menghadirkan keunikan tersendiri bagi para pemakainya. Makanya, mereka lebih memilih pakaian jenis ini karena ingin tampil unik dan tentunya berbeda dengan yang lainnya.

Ada banyak baju batik yang bisa anda pilih saat akan menghadiri pesta. Kalau untuk pria biasanya pilihannya hanya dua yakni kemeja lengan pendek dan lengan panjang. Tinggal anda memainkan motif atau bahan yang akan dikenakannya. Jenis pakaian ini bisa dipadukan dengan celana halus atau pun celana jeans agar tampil lebih modern.

Sedangkan untuk anda para wanita, lebih banyak model yang bisa anda pilih untuk tampil lebih anggun, elegan dan juga mengawan. Diantaranya, ada dress, baik dress pendek, dress panjang, kemudian ada juga blouse, kemeja, gamis atau bisa juga memilih jenis busana rok. Meskipun banyak pilihan modelnya, tentunya pilihan tersebut juga bergantung pada kenyamanan anda saat mengenakannya. Misalkan anda ingin tampil modis dan simple, biasanya pilihannya jatuh pada jenis dress pendek atau rok batik.

Kalau untuk rok batik anda bisa memadukannya dengan jenis pakaian atau busana lain selain batik. Dengan catatan, perpaduan tersebut harus selaras sehingga anda bisa tampil lebih menawan dan menjadi pusat perhatian. Bagi anda yang berhijab, jenis baju gamis bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat. Nantinya anda bisa memadukan busana yang anda kenakan dengan hijab anda. Anda bisa memilih akan menggunakan hijab batik yang selaras atau hijab dari jenis kain polos. Yang terpenting adalah perpaduan tersebut bisa terlihat cantik.

Baju batik pesta dengan batikdlidir

Kami menyarankan menggunakan whatsapp untuk mempermudah dalam koordinasi. Baik gambar motif batik maupun pengiriman kelokasi Anda.

Batikdlidir menyediakan kain atau bahan batik yang nyaman. Dengan berbahan katun yang dingin saat dikenakan, sehingga bisa menunjang aktivitas Anda. Harga terbilang terjangkau, Yakni mulai Rp 20.000 permeter untuk prima, Rp 25.000 permeter untuk primissima. Harga tersebut menggunakan tehnik printing tradisional.

Untuk keperluan yang berbau etnik maupun modern juga ada ( Kain batik murah cap ). Kami banderol mulai Rp 24.000 permeter dan Rp 28.000 permeter. Proses pembuatan tersebut menggunakan tehnik cap atau stamp.

Terakhir menggunakan keistimewaan batik tulis asli. Kami bisa membuatkan sesuai pesanan Anda, baik motif, pola, patron maupun bahan yang digunakan. Kesemuanya sesuai pesanan Anda, walaupun ada ready stock batik tulis di Batikdlidir juga bisa. Sehingga Anda bisa leluasa dengan banyak pilihan. Ada di Jual kain batik tulis asli.

Untuk pemesanan kain batik bisa whatsapp ke 0822 6565 2222.

Batik patterns become one of the attractions

Batik patterns become one of the attractions in every batik cloth. The more interesting motifs displayed can be ascertained that batik will be sold in the market. There are some batik motif at this time that is traditional batik motif and modern batik motif. Traditional batik motif is mostly produced in the form of batik. Which process is still done or done manually. Patterns or patterns made on this batik rarely change from the emergence until now.

Why did it happen?. This is one of them because, making batik can not be done carelessly. In other words, this batik is done according to existing rules. And each of these rules must be obeyed by the maker or batik artisans. So this type of batik always has its own value, especially for batik lovers. Some of the names of traditional batik, batik motif kawung. This batik is known as the oldest batik ever. Formerly, this batik is only worn by the work.

In this motif there is a picture of an oval shape. Some call it like a cross section of coconut palm fruit. Then there is the machete motif. This motif illustrates the struggle between man and evil. Motif parang barong. This motif is almost the same as the machete motif, but the image of the machete in this motif is smaller than the parang motif. This motif has a sacred meaning and only among kings who wear batik with this motif.

There are also motifs or patterns of cement. This motif is inspired from the surrounding conditions, because in this pattern there are images of animals, mountains and leaves. In addition, in traditional batik there is also batik motifs kraton. As the name implies, this motif is also only allowed to be used by the people of the palace alone. And the most famous batik motif is Sidomukti. This batik motif uses natural soga dye. This type of batik is usually only worn during sacred events such as marriage.

Batik Patrun

Black Batik fabric

Black Batik fabric can be said most dominant in ancient times. Whether it is a fabric used for batik material or motifs depicted in batik. Minimalist motifs or dominating black color make the wearer look so elegant and also authoritative. It seems simple but has a very deep meaning. In fact, batik with black or black fabric motif is still quite attractive until now. Many people who choose to wear this classic motifs for fashion collection.

Black Batik fabric

The birth of black batik is not spared from the lack of coloring process at that time. Unlike today, in ancient times there was no sophisticated coloring technique. Everything is still done manually or traditionally. In ancient times, the coloring process is still using materials from nature or called natural materials. And have not known the name of artificial or synthetic dyes.

Usually these colors are obtained from a number of trees. Can it from the leaves, flowers and even the sap can be used as a mixture for dye. With this blend produce a very attractive color although the color can not vary. Although the science of color is not as sophisticated today, but the traditional people are very familiar with the characteristics of trees and plants that can produce good colors. So they can also mix their own dye materials for batik cloth.

The process of dyeing this batik cloth usually depends on how long the dyeing process is done as well as the materials used. The darker the color desired, the dyeing process is also longer. Suppose to get a dark color like dark blue or black, the cloth should be immersed in a dye that has been prepared for days, between eight to ten days.

In addition, if you want to get brown soga then the materials needed by dyeing process is from the bark of soga tree. By using this dye the resulting color is light yellow to dark brown, this depends on how many times or the length of the immersion process was done. And from a number of experiments conducted at that time found a number of color combinations are quite a lot. Such as green, purple, and a number of colors resulting from a combination of several main colors.

Indonesian batik fabric in Batikdlidir

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Indonesian Batik clothing

Indonesian Batik clothing is quite diverse. This type of clothing is already a cultural heritage clothing by every Indonesian people feel proud when wearing it. Indeed, this patterned clothing is very synonymous with Java Island. But, you know, it turns out batik not only owned by Java alone, but almost every region in Indonesia has its own kind of batik. Typically, the typical batik of each region has its own philosophy or history. This illustrates, the story of the region or the sacred values that make it seem a mystical item to be preserved.

If you come to some islands in Indonesia, surely in every region has something that becomes its own peculiarity. But, usually a lot of batik lovers who hunt this type of clothing to some parts of this country. This is like a natural thing for batik collectors. Like an obligation, if you want to collect or get a batik of high artistic value must be an effort or sacrifice that must be done. This is what later can tell, how a clothing that deserve to be owned or collected.

Not only the problem of motives that exist in these clothes, cloth and also the high historical value that is on the clothes also become its own value. Did you know if a batik sometimes has a price up to millions of dollars. Well like that, a kebaikan on clothes that are sometimes considered ancient by some people. However, on the other hand it is very high value for others.

Indonesian Batik clothing in Batikdlidir

Almost in every region in Indonesia has its own type of batik. Suppose Solo Batik, Batik Magelang, Batik Jogja, Batik Bali, Batik Madura and many other batik-batik in Indonesia. In addition to the uniqueness of batik-producing areas, there is also the distribution of batik style according to each area respectively. And from one area to another is usually different, although some are similar. This may be due to a mix or adaptation of the area. Suppose there is Kawung fabric, there Kraton fabric, tambal fabric, cuwiri fabric, farmers fabric and many other batik-batik.

For reservations or information Indonesian batik fabric cheap price with good quality, can sms or whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Just as a reminder, that the quality of batik price of our company. So with a vengeance batik dlidir provide the best for you. Because we believe, a good cooperation established with the ‘seriousness’ between the two sides.

Friday, July 28, 2017

White Batik fabric

White Batik fabric is a type of batik fabric dominated by white color. Can it be white on the motif or pattern, and also on the basic fabric that is used. Usually, this color is combined with several other colors to produce an interesting and pleasing blend. Suppose a white batik cloth combined with the color of black batik motif to get a blend of black and white. This display will look classic, but still show the reluctance when you wear it.

White Batik fabric

Similar to other fabrics, most of this white color is used as the basic color in the manufacture of batik fabric, especially batik tulis. But later on the next process of white on this batik fabric will be replaced with other colors to get the color diversity. Many batik fans choose the color of white batik fabric for several reasons. Let's say, want to get a cleaner and brighter look, in addition to providing a fresh and not too crowded.

Motifs on white batik fabric is usually more simple compared with other color batik fabric. Not many motives are shown on this cloth. For this type of white batik fabric can be combined with a motif with other colors, eg blue, brown, black or other colors. This color combination to avoid batik used is not impressed monotonous and only show one white color only.

This type of white batik fabric you can choose for your clothing material. This fabric can be used for any type of clothing. Not only that, this type of fabric is also suitable for wear for men's clothing and for women's clothing. So no clothing that can not use this type of white batik cloth. We live to determine the motives that we like and make this white batik cloth. In addition to choosing a motif, of course you should also choose the type of batik. Kan there are several types of batik are currently in love, such as the type of batik, batik printing, hand printing and also batik cap. Regarding the selection of this batik depends on your taste to get the perfect look.

For reservations or information can sms or whatsapp to:

+62 822 6565 2222 Pak Mudzakir.

Just as a reminder, that the quality of batik price of our company. So with a vengeance batik dlidir provide the best for you. Because we believe, a good cooperation established with the ‘seriousness’ between the two sides.

Indonesian batik fabric the best quality for you