Thursday, December 14, 2017


INDIAN BATIK ARTS AND DRESS. Indian batik art became one of the type or motive of batik which is popular besides batik from Indonesia. Just like batik from some other country, every batik presented will have their own characteristic. And this will certainly be different from one with other countries. This difference is due to cultural culture and daily life in the country.


In Indonesia for example, batik that is presented by existing culture will be much different from the type of batik art from other countries. Batik Indonesia will highlight the culture and daily life of Indonesian citizens themselves. As is known, the citizens of Indonesia thick with eastern culture. In Indonesia itself there are some areas that become icons of batik art itself. Some areas such as in Java, Yogyakarta, and Pekalongan. Although there are still many other areas in Indonesia that also has unique batik-unique art.

Some areas in Indonesia are so thorough in maintaining this cultural tradition. And until now also the purity of this batik is maintained and preserved. Usually, batik-batik from this area has a very high philosophy. Even some of them are only made for a king. This is proof that batik culture is very sacred in some regions in Indonesia.

Similar to Indonesian batik, Indian batik art also developed so rapidly. The uniqueness of the motifs presented in the art of batik become its own attraction, especially for the collectors of batik world. Usually batik motifs are presented in the art of Indian batik describes life and culture, such as gods, dances and also some animals such as elephants.

In addition to a very distinctive motive, giving color to Indian batik also has its own characteristics. This is what sometimes distinguish the type of Indian batik with the type of batik from other countries. Usually the color of Indian batik is synonymous with residents of dark red, black, and other colors. But, not infrequently we see there are Indian batik who choose to combine bright colors or modern colors.

Batik sarong wholesale.


Similar to other batik art, Indian batik art can also be used for various purposes. Starting from the accessories to support the appearance and also for materials of various types of clothing, one of them for the manufacture of dress or dress. Selection of batik material from India this will indeed provide its own uniqueness when made into a dress or dress. In addition to having a different motive with Indonesian batik, Indian batik is still very rarely found here (Indonesia). So when you want to look different when wearing a dress or dress, Indian batik this could be the right choice for you. You just determine what kind of dress model you will wear to appear in a number of events. Like formal events and non-formal events, all you can attend using this type of Indian batik dress.

If you are still having trouble getting Indian batik in your city, you can buy it at our place, Batik Dlidir. We provide various kinds of batik motifs. Start batik motive from within the country, Indonesia also some batik motives from abroad including one of them namely India. You also can order batik motifs to your liking. And our batik designers will work to make batik motif you want.
In addition to having thousands of motives that you can choose, we also provide a variety of materials and types of batik that want. Starting from batik cap, batik printing and batik, everything is in our place. You just determine it, what kind of batik you want.

Regarding the price, you do not need to worry, because we will give a very special price for you. And we guarantee, the price in our place will be far below the market price. For batik printing with primisima cloth cost Rp 25.000 / meter. Batik cap with the same type of fabric cost Rp 28.000 / meter. And the most exclusive of batik cloth with the price of Rp 600.000 / meter.

If you want to order batik in our place, please just contact me, Mr. Mudzakir at +6282265652222.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Batik fabric art is a work of art made

Batik fabric art is a work of art made on a fabric. The usual shape is named after batik motive or pattern. Usually the pattern of batik shaped animals, plants, and also humans. Each motive or pattern created has its own story. Starting from a philosophy, prayer or hope. Batik artists of ancient times revealed all that through batik art. Hence, in making a motive there are rules that must be maintained. And this rule should not be violated by batik artists.

Batik fabric art is a work of art made

Meanwhile, the fabric used for batik named mori. Before batik art made on fabric, batik artist make batik motive on palm leaf. Then, continue to grow and finally batik made on fabric. This drawing process does not use paint, but batik wax or so-called malam. While the tool used to draw is not a brush but named canting. In order for the wax to stick to the fabric, the first candle made melt. Way by heated to a certain temperature.

This candle serves to protect the motive on batik from coloring. With the layers of wax, then on the part will not participate in the coloring. This becomes one of the uniqueness of the process of making batik art. And the expertise in making this art is only owned by batik artists. Usually this batik art skill inherited to posterity.
Batik Fabric.

Batik fabric art at Batikdlidir

Making art on batik fabric is not just making a picture, but still through several stages. Among them, coloring, pelorotan and also drying. Hence, this batik artist is a person who has expert in his field. Art to make batik on this fabric actually has existed since the 17th century. But only developed rapidly at the end of the 19th century, or in the colonial period. The invaders brought batik to his country and managed to develop it.

If you are interested in the art of batik fabric, we (Batik Dlidir) have many collections. There are more than 1000 batik motive that you can choose. Ranging from traditional motives to modern motives.

If interested, you can contact me (Pak Mudzakir) via whatsapp at 082265652222. I am always ready and happy to serve you 24 hours.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Tie dye batik fabric

Tie dye batik fabric is one of the techniques in making batik. In Indonesia alone this technique is found in some areas. And each region has a different mention. Suppose for the Java area is often known by the name of jumputan or tritik, then for the area of Palembang known by the name of pelangi (a rainbow) or cinde. As for the area of Banjarmasin better known by the name of sesaringan or sasaringan.

Despite having different names, but basically this type of batik is done with the same process, namely the batik crafters bind the cloth and then dipped. To get the perfect result, the binding must also use the correct technique and should not be arbitrary. This is so that the color that penetrates on each part has a nice pattern. And the batik artisans must have been very familiar about this binding technique.

There are several bonding techniques to get beautiful motive variations. And each of these techniques will produce different motives. The process of dyeing this cloth is usually also not done once, but until several times. And also the color used was not just one kind of course, but some colors. The colors selected are certainly bright colors and attract attention. That is why, the colors presented on this batik cloth get the name as a rainbow cloth. Because the colors contained in this cloth are indeed colorful so it is like a rainbow.

Batik sarong wholesale.

Tie dye batik fabric at Batikdlidir

The beauty of this dye cloth is often combined with batik motives. The batik artists indeed never stop to innovate in order to get interesting creations. Bringing a batik motive on a dye cloth is a brilliant idea. It even becomes a beautiful and very interesting piece of art.

Tie dye batik fabric at Batikdlidir

You are interested to get batik cloth dye ?, no need to bother to come to every boutique in your city. Simply contact me (Mr. Mudzakir) at +62 822 6565 2222 and your desire to have batik cloth dye we will realize.


Situs kami lainnya dapat anda lihat di : Harga pasir merapi.

Traditional batik is synonymous with batik tulis

Traditional batik is synonymous with batik tulis. Namely batik made by way of written. Batik with this technique is the oldest batik technique ever. This technique has existed since hundreds of years ago. And until now writing batik technique is still awake. There are some materials and tools used to make batik. Among them, canting, batik candles or malam and also fabric mori.

Ready stock and order Traditional batik at batikdlidir

As we know, batik is a picture fabric. However, the process of making these drawings is done in a special way. That is by painting it using some traditional tools. Pictures that exist in batik commonly called patterns or batik motives. There are various patterns that have been made. These patterns are mostly philosophies of life in ancient times.

In the past, batik became one of the most exclusive fabrics. No indiscriminate person can wear it. Only a king, a royal family and certain circles can wear this cloth. Besides it can not wear fabric which is this cultural heritage.

One type of batik is still very popular is traditional batik. Traditional here is the motive is still long. In contrast to modern batik, traditional batik motives have rules in making it. And a batik craftsman should not break the rule. Especially about the motive of batik itself. This is what makes some batik motives become grip motive. Motif grip is a motif that can not be changed anymore. From ancient times until now this motive has the same shape.

Seragam batik kantor murah.

Ready stock and order Traditional batik at batikdlidir

This became one of the main attraction owned by traditional batik-batik. Although, the motive is ancient, but not boring when you see it. Hence, until now even traditional batik or batik tulis still favored by batik lovers. To get traditional batik, you can buy at our place (Batik Dlidir). To order is very easy. You do not need to come to our place. Instead just contact me (Mr. Mudzakir) at +6282265652222. And we will serve you gladly. Includes ready to be consulted about batik motive.

Batik sarong wholesale.

Batik Making with original handmade

Batik Making into the second part or the next process after batik cloth is ready. In this process there are several stages that must be done by a batik craftsman. These processes depend on the type of batik to be made. Because, as we know today there are several types of batik sold in the market. Starting from batik, batik cap and batik printing. And for each type of batik this process of manufacture there are different and also there are some the same process.

Batik Making with original handmade

I take the example of the process of making batik or traditional batik. To make a traditional batik, a craftsman must perform several stages. Starting from making motifs, pengeblatan, batik, coloring to the drying process. Making batik this takes the longest time when compared with the manufacture of other types of batik. Even the time required to make a single batik cloth can be up to a month or even more. The length of time required depends on the motifs made, the more difficult the motive then the time it takes will be longer.

Here I detail one by one process of making this batik. The first is the making of motifs. That is before the craftsman batik cloth, the motive must be made first. The work of making this motif is specially done by the motive experts who already have decades of experience. The motifs to be drawn first are drawn on white oil paper.
Batik Fabric.

Batik Making at Batikdlidir

Once the motive is finished, then the crafter will "copy" it to a fabric that has been prepared. This process is called "ngeblat". This ngeblat requires high accuracy. After this finished then the motifs are redrawn using candles or usually called by malam. This process is to separate which motif to be colored and where the motive is protected from the coloring process.

After the batik finish then do the coloring. This process also takes no time, because the immersion is also done repeatedly to get the desired color. And then do the drying.

As for batik stamp, there is no batik process or making motifs. Because, batik motifs have been made in the stamp tool which is then in the paste on the cloth. Then for more different printing again. The process of making this batik using printing tools.

Seragam batik kantor murah.

Modern batik design looks different from traditional batik

Modern batik design looks different from traditional batik. The most visible is the pattern or motive and also the color. If traditional batik is usually designed with a calm color that tends to dark, such as brown soga, dark blue, black. However, for modern batik is just the opposite. The motives are more varied and the colors tend to be bright colors, like green, yellow, red and so on.

Modern batik design looks different from traditional batik

Design is to make a shape or make a model. If in the field of batik, design is to make batik motif or pattern. And the person is commonly referred to as batik designers or batik artists. In making this motive can not be arbitrary people. They must understand and have a high artistic spirit. Especially to make traditional motives. Where these motives already have its own standard. Such as truntum motif, motif sekar jagad, sidoasih motif, Sidomukti motif, palace motif, ceplok motif, parang motif and other grip motifs.

In addition to experts in the field of design, a batik artist must understand about the philosophy or meaning that exists on each motive. Because, the average motive that is created has a philosophy. Parents in ancient times did not make motives in vain. There are stories, prayers, or expectations that are conveyed through motives. Hence, batik into a cloth that was so exalted at that time. And not arbitrarily people can wear clothing from batik.

Now, batik has become part of fashion mode. Not only local but also international mode. And the appearance of batik began to be refreshed with various modern motifs. Modern motive here is the motive of free and no grip like traditional motif. The batik artists seemed to be left to be creative. Make a motif and color patterns of each batik. And proven, batik with modern design is quite popular, especially by teenagers.

Seragam batik kantor murah.

Modern batik design at batikdlidir

Those who used to feel embarrassed in batik, are now getting used to it. Not only teenagers, modern batik also been targeting children. This is certainly a good sign to keep one of Indonesia's cultural heritage. To get various modern batik motif, you can buy it in our place (Batik Dlidir). We have a variety of motives that you can choose. Ranging from traditional motifs to modern motifs.

For reservations, you can directly contact me (Mr. Mudzakir) at +62 822 6565 2222.

Batik Fabric.
Buy Batik Fabric.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Batik Textile from Indonesia

Batik Textile is a flexible material made of woven yarn which is then presented in the form of a batik cloth. It can be said that this textile is the forerunner of cloth that will be used to make batik cloth. Before becoming a cloth, this textile through some process first. These processes include, embroidery, suturing, binding, and pressing. After going through some of these stages then a textile can be called as a cloth or material that can be used for various needs, ranging from clothing, accessories, batik and other needs.

However, in everyday life many who call the textile is the same as the fabric. In fact, in fact the two objects are not the same. If in layman's language cloth is one result of textile that can be used for various needs. While the textile itself is everything (material) made of woven yarn.

Batik Textile from Indonesia

Textiles itself is divided into several kinds or types. This division depends on the product, color, materials and also its construction. And each of these products usually its use is different. So it can be said that the scope of this thing called textiles is very broad and wider than when you call the fabric itself.

Batik sarong wholesale.

Batik Textile from Indonesia at Batikdlidir

And one of the textile products in the form of cloth is usually used for various clothing materials, one of them for batik itself. Batik is one of Indonesian culture that has a very high artistic value. Not only recognized by the nation itself, the existence of this batik is also recognized by the world. This is evident from the designation of batik as world cultural heritage by UNESCO in 2009 then. And what is done by UNESCO is of course the more make us proud as the nation of Indonesia because it already has batik.

Therefore, the existence of this batik must be maintained and preserved so that our children and grandchildren will also be able to see the work of the ancestors who have been worldwide. In addition, to keep these high-level art creations should not be claimed by other countries.

For Information whatsapp to : +62 822 6565 2222.