Saturday, September 9, 2017

Wax Batik ( Batik with draw and stamp original handmade )

Wax Batik is a type of batik that the process of making the motif using wax as the main ingredient. The function of wax or commonly referred malam is to protect the part or motive of the coloring process. There are two types of batik that make wax as the main material of the type of batik and type of batik stamp. As for the type of batik printing is no longer using wax or night as the main ingredient but using a dye like normal screen printing.

This is because the process of making batik printing is like a patterned printing emblazoned on a sheet of cloth. And many batik lovers will refuse the printing category to enter in part of batik, because the making process does not use malam or through the process of batik. Instead, directly use a tool called print that has been given a motif with a certain color to produce a batik style as desired.

Although using batik style, but this is only the motive and not the real batik. But, now many batik craftsmen who "outsmart" it and make batik printing as one of batik art. The trick that is by combining it with the type of batik tulis or batik stamp. And this makes this type of batik combination to be part of batik although in it the process of making also use the printing process.

Wax Batik with stamp

Wax Batik ( Batik with draw and stamp original handmade )

For the type of batik or batik stamp, the use malam is very dominant or main. This is so that the motive or any style made by batik artists can be perfect and varied. The function malam is to protect certain parts from being included or protected during the coloring process. As we know, malam has a conflicting nature of the material used for coloring. Where malam contains oil while the dye contains water. Although united, these two parts still can not be one because of the opposite nature. And this is what makes the part covered with malam will not be exposed to color even though it will be dipped many times on the dye.

Batik Clothing Online are currently rampant today

Batik Clothing Online are currently rampant today. This condition seems to be "strikes" against traditional batik traders, manual or offline or whatever the name. In addition to offering low prices, batik clothing sold in various online stores also offer other conveniences. Starting from the free delivery process, can be paid at home, various bonuses and other attractive offers.

Batik Clothing Online with low price

No wonder it is, if now many traders who originally just rely on buying and selling manually began to move by offering it online. That's because, they have started to understand about the various advantages and advantages that exist in this modern buying and selling system. And of course they also do not want to buy and sell business that has been pioneered during this silly die by still pursue the business of clothing with the traditional way.

Batik Clothing Online with low price

Although offering low prices, but basically the type of clothing sold in online stores is no different from the clothing sold in boutiques and fashion shopping centers. Whether it is the motive, the fabric and other things. Only, when buying clothes online you have to make sure the size and type of materials used. This is because, when you buy it online it is clear you will not be able to feel the type of fabric, see directly in detail the motive let alone try his clothes. And you have to pay close attention. Because, if not you can get batik clothes that do not match the image presented by the trader.

Indonesian batik fabric.

This is what sometimes makes the buyers disappointed. However, some traders are willing to replace or return clothes that have been purchased and received by customers because of this complaint. However, not infrequently also are reluctant to return it because the goods have been purchased with various risks that must be borne by the buyer itself.

Therefore, despite offering a cheap price you should also look for traders who already have competence in the field and has been recommended by many other buyers. This can be a separate consideration for you when going to shop for batik fashion online.

Batik on sale by BatikDlidir

Batik on sale in various boutiques and shopping centers in your city. Can not be denied, the charm of batik now seems to make it as one of the most hunted fabrics. Nowadays many lovers of this "ancestral" cloth, they not only from within the country, but also many batik enthusiasts are actually from abroad. Even some of them trying to create a new type of batik by combining or combining various motifs of batik.

Batik on sale

And this should make us even more proud of the existence of the fabric created by these ancestors. How not, the fabric that has existed since hundreds of years ago is still awake and continues to be asked by many circles. And it is this condition that makes the sale of fabric that has unique motifs continues to grow rapidly. The number of requests sometimes to make batik manufacturers dither to fulfill the order.

Regarding the type of batik on sale, there are several kinds. Namely batik or traditional, batik stamp and also batik printing. For these types of batik has a very striking difference. Starting from the motive, fabric, and also the price it offers. And the most expensive price of course is batik. This is because batik is the oldest batik, the process of making is also still done traditionally or manually.

Even to create a piece of batik cloth time required can reach more than one month. That is why, if batik has an exclusive impression when compared with other types of batik. And do not be surprised also if the price for one meter of batik cloth this could reach more than one million.

Batik on sale with stamp technique

As for batik which is also rampant sold in the market of batik stamp. For the process of making batik is more simple, because the motif is made using a stamp and not painted using canting. This makes the process of making batik more quickly. For the price is relatively affordable with a range of tens of thousands just for one meter. And the cheapest is the type of batik printing with prices below the price of batik cap.

Cheap batik fabric.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Batik sale increasingly crowded in this modern era

Batik sale increasingly crowded in this modern era. Although, batik fabric itself has existed since tens of years ago, but the creativity of the Indonesian designers make this cloth as timeless eternal. Even can be coupled with the type and fashion model that is the current trend. Impact, now more and more batik fans continue to collect various types and motifs of batik. This becomes an opportunity for batik sellers to market each product.

Batik sale increasingly

In addition, ease of shopping also contributes to the development of cloth that has this unique motif. Especially now the sale and purchase does not have to involve sellers and buyers directly. Rather, it can be done through the internet or the so-called online buying and selling system or online shop. Today many batik sellers are utilizing the development of this technology to market their products. The product is not only accessible or seen by people around the seller only, but all over Indonesia even to the world.

And that can not be avoided is membludaknya batik seller today. Because, everyone can be a batik trader and sell his batik-batik, including you. In contrast to ancient times, where the trader or boutique must have a shop to sell batik. But now this is no longer true. Because, every time you have a product of interest to buyers you can sell. You do not need to have stores or boutiques that buyers can visit. Rather, you can take the batik products desired by buyers from other manufacturers.

Batik sale in Batikdlidir

With this system you do not need to produce your own batik cloth and store it in your boutique or store. And we, Dlidir Batik is one of the suppliers of your batik needs. You can count on us to get the motives you are looking for. We have thousands of batik motifs that you can choose. Start traditional motifs to modern motifs. And the price we offer is not expensive, Rp 25.000 / meter for the type of batik printing, Rp 28.000 / meter for batik stamp and Rp 600.000 / for the type of batik tulis. Please record my number at 08226565222 or contact me directly. You will connect directly with me, Mr. Mudzakir as the owner of Batik Dlidir

Buy batik fabric online in BatikDlidir

Buy batik fabric online can be an alternative choice when you will shop batik. Unlike manual shopping where you have to go to every boutique or department store in town. Online shopping is more flexible when shopping. You can choose, look for various types of batik wherever you are. Want at home, at the office, on the street, wherever you can. And this will not be possible when you shop offline.

Not only the motives that you can choose, you can also like to go out into the online store to hunt batik with a motif that "vibrate" your heart. Now this online store or more familiar with the name of the online shop very much. Not just one, two but more than a hundred online shop ready to welcome you.

There are many advantages that you will get by shopping online. In addition you can find the cheapest price, you can also choose the store you want. And the most interesting is the goods you buy will be delivered to your home address. So you just wait until someone deliver your order. Please sign your receipt as your receipt.

Buy batik fabric online with cap ( stamp ), print and tulis ( Batik Art )

And that's how easy shopping online, shopping without having to go out, without having to go out into the store, can bargain without having to meet directly the seller and many more without-without others. And another one, without you having to make your own schedule just to shop for your clothing needs, not fun.

Buy batik fabric online with cap ( stamp ), print and tulis ( Batik Art )

And more fun again if you buy your batik needs in our place, Batik Dlidir. We provide thousands of batik motifs that you can buy. No need expensive, the price we offer starting from Rp 25.000 / meter for batik printing, Rp 28.000 / meter for batik cap, and Rp 600.000 / meter for the type of batik tulis. Regarding the reservation, please contact me, Mr. Mudzakir at 082265652222.

Indonesian batik fabric.